Understanding the metrics in your report download (raw data)


Refers to the name of the entity and serves as our primary unit of work. All other information in the report is appended based on the entity name.


The platforms or channels from which data is collected:

  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • URLs
  • Google Search Term
  • YouTube Search Term


The search term, handle, YouTube channel link, or URL link associated with the entity.


Relates to the location of the dataset presented. Data can be broken down as follows:

  • Global: Applicable for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, X, and Google. Refers to the total followers (or aggregated search volume, for Google) of an entity.
  • Country Codes (e.g., US, GB, CA): Refers to specific countries for which data is provided.

Weighted Metrics

  • Weighted Total: The aggregated absolute of all countries included in the report.
  • Weighted EU Countries: The aggregated absolute of EU countries.
  • Weighted English-Speaking Countries: The aggregated absolute of English-speaking countries.

Variable, Value, and Absolute

These metrics work together to represent and explain the data:

  • Variable: The measurement type based on the platform or channel.
  • Value: The specific breakdown or type of data represented (e.g., followers, gender breakdown, traffic).
  • Absolute: The actual numerical value of the metric, such as:
    • Total followers
    • Followers’ gender breakdown
    • Followers’ age and age range breakdown
    • Website traffic
    • Search volume
    • Average search volume (last 12 months)
    • Average year-over-year search variance


Indicates the percentage of the total for a specific variable and its breakdown. Platforms with weighted breakdowns include Instagram, X, YouTube, and TikTok.


The date and time when the report was created.

Google Search Term Metrics

Search Volume

This metric reflects the Google search volume for a given term over the last three years, divided by month and country. Global data is also included.

Google Variables

For Google, there are three key variables:

  1. Avg Search Variance YoY: Average search variance year over year.
  2. Avg Search Volume L12M: Average search volume over the last 12 months.
  3. Search Volume: Monthly search volume counts.

Each of these variables has specific values, and the Absolutes are presented based on these values:

  • For Avg Search Variance YoY, values are broken into:
    • The last 12 months.
    • Months 13–24.
    • Months 25–36.
  • For Avg Search Volume L12M, the absolute value corresponds to the last 12 months, starting from the most recent updated month (not necessarily the current month).
  • For Search Volume, absolutes are shown month by month for the last three years.


  1. Avg Search Variance YoY:
    In the example image, for Google in the US, we see how the search volume has varied year over year. The search volume for the analyzed entity decreases over time, as highlighted by the year-over-year variance.

  2. Avg Search Volume L12M:
    The absolute value here represents the last 12 months, calculated from the most recent updated month. The values for months 13–24 and 25–36 are also shown for comparison.

  3. Total Search Volume:
    The next image demonstrates the total search volume for each year, confirming that the entity’s search volume has declined annually.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 09.18.36


Search Volume Output Example

If you request data for November 2024 for the search term “Audiense” in Spain and the United States, the output will display the monthly search volume counts for both countries.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 09.20.47

YouTube Search Term

The YouTube Search Term Volume metric retrieves search data for a specific term on YouTube. It provides search volume details for the last 12 months, broken down by month and country, along with global data.

Example Output

Here’s an example of how the data appears in a table format:

Search Term Segment Variable Value Absolute
Audiense ES YT Search Volume 2022-01 2000
Audiense ES YT Search Volume 2022-02 2100
Audiense ES YT Search Volume 2022-03 2100
Audiense US YT Search Volume 2022-01 1900
Audiense US YT Search Volume 2022-02 1300
Audiense US YT Search Volume 2022-03 1600

YouTube Variables

For YouTube search data, two variables are provided:

  1. Search Volume: The total count of searches per month for the last 12 months.
  2. Avg Search Volume L12M: The average search volume over the last 12 months.

This information offers a comprehensive view of search trends for the specified term, enabling you to identify demand patterns across different regions and time frames.

Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Metrics

For these platforms, 7 variables are available, each with specific values and insights:


  • Description: Represents the total follower count, determined by the selected segment (e.g., Global or specific country).
  • Value: A simple numeric value reflecting the total number of followers.
  • Example: Setting the segment to Global displays the total Instagram followers of an account. Changing the segment to a specific country adjusts the results accordingly.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 09.26.25

For Instagram, you will also see the Weight:

  • The global follower count shows a Total Weight of 1.
  • The weight is distributed across countries based on the absolute follower count from each country relative to the global total.

2. Male and Female Followers

  • Description: Indicates the total number of male and female followers.
  • Value: A numeric value representing the count for each gender.
  • Weight: Distributed similarly to the total followers, summing to 1 globally.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 09.27.04

3. Followers by Age

  • Description: Breaks down the follower count into specific age groups:
    • 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-64, 65+.
  • Value: A numeric value representing the number of followers in each age group.
  • Weight: Functions like the total follower weight, summing to 1 globally and distributed by country.

4. Male and Female Followers by Age

  • Description: Combines gender and age group to provide a detailed breakdown of follower demographics.
  • Value: A numeric value showing the count for each gender within each age group.
  • Weight: Same as the above metrics.

5. Engagement Rate

  • Description: Measures the average number of likes relative to the total follower count.
    • Calculation:
      • Total likes from the past two months (or up to 500 posts, whichever is fewer).
      • If the entity rarely posts, data may include older posts (up to 10 in total).
  • Value: Numeric representation of the engagement rate.
  • Weight:
    • Global engagement rate has a weight of 1.
    • The weight is broken down further when analyzing specific countries or regions.

X (formerly Twitter) Metrics

The purpose of Twitter enrichment is to provide insights into the audience of a specific Twitter account. By analyzing a Twitter handle, we can derive audience insights such as gender, age groups, interests, and more, segmented by country.

Example Output in Table Format

Twitter Account Segment Variable Value Absolute
audiense ES Age Group Followers 18-25 2000
audiense ES Age Group Followers 26-35 2100
audiense ES Age Group Followers 36-45 2100
audiense ES Age Group Followers 45-65 1900
audiense ES Male Followers Number 1300
audiense ES Female Followers Number 1600
audiense US Age Group Followers 18-25 2400
audiense US Age Group Followers 26-35 2200
audiense US Age Group Followers 36-45 1600
audiense US Age Group Followers 45-65 1800
audiense US Male Followers Number 2200
audiense US Female Followers Number 1800

Metrics Explained

1. Global Followers

  • Description: Total number of followers of the account across all countries.

2. Followers by Country

  • Description: Number of followers from a specific country.

3. Followers by Age Group

  • Description: Total number of followers divided into the following age groups:
    • 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-64, 65+.
  • Segments: Available both globally and by specific countries.

4. Followers by Gender

  • Description: Number of male and female followers.
  • Segments: Available globally and by specific countries.

5. Followers by Interest

  • Description: Audience interests, inferred using machine learning.
    • Interests are determined based on the topics users frequently discuss in their posts.
    • Clustering: The data is categorized following the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) content taxonomy standards.
    • This taxonomy ensures that inferred interests align with established advertising and content standards.

URL Traffic Enrichment

The purpose of URL Traffic enrichment is to retrieve visit data for a specific domain. By analyzing a given domain, we can obtain the traffic (visits) from the past year, segmented by country.

Example Output in Table Format

Domain Segment Variable Value Absolute
audiense.com ES Traffic Number 2605
audiense.com US Traffic Number 900
audiense.com GB Traffic Number 4000
audiense.com FR Traffic Number 1900

Metrics Explained

  • Domain: The specific domain being analyzed (e.g., audiense.com).
  • Segment: The country from which the traffic data is derived (e.g., ES for Spain, US for the United States).
  • Variable: Refers to the type of data analyzed (in this case, Traffic).
  • Value: Indicates the data type (e.g., Number).
  • Absolute: Represents the total number of visits for the specified domain and country.