1.7.1 Beginner Tutorial - How to Recognize Bots & Spam in an Audience

How to Recognize Bots & Spam in an Audience

Bots are very common across social media networks and the acquisition of bot audiences is often uncontrollable. Bots use AI and algorithms to attach themselves to Brand accounts for the purposes of disseminating spam.

Finding bots is all about finding the extremes or what is unnatural. We recommend using some combination of the following indicators to find bots and spam in your audiences. Many of these indicators can be found within the Audience Summary on the Overview of your Affinio report.

  1. Interconnectivity and Density scores of 0.00%.
  2. Tweets per user per month < 2.0.
  3. Twitter account follower-to-retweet ratio.

image 1-3

  1. Top shared links and domains include spam websites.
  2. Member profile images appear as silhouettes or Twitter eggs.

member profiles 

       6. Member generated content is heavily comprised of porn, spam, or clickbait.