5.2.2 Folders - How to Add/Remove Reports Into a Folder

Add a Report into a Folder

Add a report to the folder of your choosing. This effectively "shares" the report with the folder. Note: a single report can be contained within multiple folders simultaneously.

To add a report to a folder, either:

  •  Select the report and click Edit 1 Report above the check box.




  • Select the settings icon SettingsICon.png to the right of the report.



Remove a Report from a Folder

To remove a report from a folder so that it is no longer shared:

  1. Click the desired folder in the left navigation.
  2. For the desired report to be removed, click the settings SettingsICon.pngicon on the far right of your report or select the report and click Edit 1 Report that appears above the report. The Edit Report dialog displays.
  3. Click the red drop-down menu, Delete 1 reports.
  4. Select to remove access for all or only your access. A confirmation message displays.
  5. Click OK: The folder displays with the report removed.