What is the economic value?

This metric shows us how much our hashtag is worth in the market. Meaning that it tells us the amount of money we should have spent in the market in order to get the number of tweets and impressions our hashtag has generated. To calculate this we need to follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the economic value of the users
  2. Calculate the economic value of the tweets sent by those users
  3. Calculate the economic value of the hashtag

In order to calculate the economic value of the tweets, it is important to have in mind that not every tweet is worth the same. We have to differentiate between each type of tweet. An original tweet with a link or a picture is worth more than a retweet that just repeats what another user has said.

In this post you will find more information about it: https://www.tweetbinder.com/blog/how-much-my-twitter-worth/