Can I see global stats for each tag?

Yes, and that is the best thing about tags. All the metrics inside a tag file can be compared to see the performance of each account among the others.

Each tag file has the following sections:

  • Highlights: this gives an overview of the tracker that has had the highest increase in four specific metrics during a given time period. The metrics are:
      • Who has gained more followers
      • Who has sent more tweets
      • Who has received more retweets
      • Who has received more mentions
  • Statistics: This table shows all the metrics on the Twitter User Tracker for all the trackers in the tag. It is very useful to have a quick overview of all the stats. Each column can be sorted by increase or decrease. The time period can be chosen as well. 
  • Activity chart: this graph shows the same data as in the statistics section but in a visual way. The trackers to be displayed can be selected, as well as the time period. Finally, you can choose to display between the totals or the increment.