With the Twitter advanced search commands, you can easily filter the results of your report. So, if you want to exclude retweets from your report you can do it by adding -RT at the end of your search. If you want to analyze original tweets containing the hashtag #SocialMedia you need to type #SocialMedia -RT in the search box. You can also do this from the advanced search form by adding RT in the field MUST NOT CONTAIN.
If you need to just include retweets in your report, you need to type your hashtag followed by RT. So, the resulting query should be #SocialMedia RT. This way you will get a report that just analyzes retweets. You can do this as well from the advanced search form by adding RT in the field MUST CONTAIN.
Remember that by using the upper search box you will create a 7-day report that analyzes just the past 7 days. But you can use the advanced search for any type of report. So the filter to include or exclude retweets can also be used in 30-day reports and Twitter historical reports.