Which rankings are included in every report?

Each Tweet Binder PRO report includes up to 14 user rankings. They are automatically generated with the report and they give valuable insights about the contributors.


There are some basic rankings such as the most active or the most popular but there are more complex rankings as well. Here is a list of them:

  1. Most active users: Users who have sent the highest number of tweets (original tweets + retweets) 
  2. Retweeters: Users who have sent the highest number of retweets
  3. Original tweets: Users who have sent the highest number of original tweets
  4. Most popular: Users ranked by their number of followers
  5. Highest impact: Users ranked by the number of impressions they have generated
  6. Top photographer: Users ranked by the number of photos they have sent
  7. Verified users: Verified accounts that have tweeted with the analyzed hashtag. They are ranked by their number of followers
  8. Top RTs engagers: Users ranked by the average number of retweets they have received to the original tweets sent in the report
  9. Top likes engagers: Users ranked by the average number of likes they have received to the original tweets they have sent in the report
  10. Most retweeted: Users ranked by the total number of retweets they have received
  11. Most favorited: Users ranked by the total number of likes they have received
  12. Most mentioned: Users ranked by the number of mentions they have received
  13. Top accounts: This ranking says how much a text tweet from those users is worth in the market. Users are ranked by their market value
  14. Most expensive users: Users ranked by the value of the tweets they have sent in the report