Audiense Beta Program

This article introduces our Beta program and how to request taking part as a tester, so that you can be the first to try available new features added to our platform. 

To take part in our Beta program, please speak with your account manager, or simply email to request more information about the features available to you.

You will be required to share feedback as you use these features, so that we can further improve them with your help.


Some examples of Beta features include:

Affinity Interests download 

A downloadable Excel with the new taxonomies for inferring audience interests, including Podchaser, Onalytica, Spotify, Netflix and IMDb categories.
This feature will be integrated into the platform in future. Below is a mock-up of how this will look.

Semrush integration 

Enables you to connect your Semrush account with Audiense, to enrich Influencer data with search data (monthly search volume & web traffic).
Check out this link to our Blog post with some relevant use cases. 
Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 17.28.13


Data Playground

Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 17.29.56

A Data Playground button would be added to your Audiense Insights dashboard to activate this functionality and provide other type of reports or exports.

Some examples:

  • Gephi (audience/segment graphs) - downloads data into a format that can be uploaded into Gephi. Gephi is a free external visualisation and exploration tool.
  • Insights comparison - downloads insights from the Audiense API into an Excel format.
  • Create advanced boolean reports - allows you to surpass the 20K Tweets in the last 30 days limitation. Connected to a Typeform to select your criteria and request the report.

Please get in touch to find out more about the full list of beta features available if you would like to take part in our program, and build these features together!