Audiense + Talkwalker Integration

Audiense offers a direct integration with Talkwalker for those who subscribe to both services. This connection enables a variety of convenient options designed to save you time and effort when looking to use the two services together for powerful workflows. Much of the current integration, when sending authors to Audiense is tied to leveraging Talkwalker’s Source Panels.

See the current automated integration options in action in this demo.

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Source Panels in Talkwalker are curated lists of relevant sources (e.g. authors) that you can use to filter Talkwalker results. These sources are custom-compiled by Talkwalker users based on the popularity and activity of specific authors (and less focused on how recently they posted). We recommend that Source Panels be made as large as possible for use in this integration to give the broadest possible audience size for segmentation; ideally leveraging the full maximum eligible count of 1000 authors. Subscribers can have up to 100 Source Panels. Read more about Source Panels.


Note: Talkwalker’s Source Panels section can only be managed by the Account Admins, Project Admins, and users with full access to the Project Settings.


See a summary of options for each direction below including manual export and upload to go beyond the audience size limitations, however, don't miss our API Key requirements guide to set up this integration below the table.


Summary of Options - quick links:

Getting Started with API Keys

For automated workflows, API keys will be required. Please ask your Audiense account representative, or follow the instructions below.

How to Get an Audiense API Key

Request access to your Audiense API key by contacting us at Audiense API keys work on an account level, so you may need to share it with other team members that are collaborators on the account.

How to Get a Talkwalker API Key

An API project and separate package may have to be set up first in Talkwalker in order to receive the API token. Once established, the copyable key can be found under Settings>Accounts>Account Settings>API Settings.

  • Talkwalker API keys work at a Project level. Only one Project user can enter a key within Talkwalker, but any eligible user in a Project can launch reports with that key.

Please note, it needs to be the Read-Write API key.

More information on Talkwalker API keys can be found at

  • Once you have this API Key, which can be found in your Talkwalker API settings, this needs to be shared with our Audiense team.

Entering the Audiense API Key within Talkwalker

Once you receive our 2 keys (Client ID and Client secret), go to Settings>Project Settings>Connected Accounts and look for the Audiense tile.

  • Ask your Talkwalker representative to activate this tile if it is not visible. Once added, it can be managed in the Connected Accounts section, should you choose to delete it, keep it safe in case you need to add it at a later stage. Follow the initial steps in this guide.

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Entering the Talkwalker API Key Within Audiense

  • This is done by the Audiense Ops team once you share this as not a self-service option.

Tips & Troubleshooting

How can I increase the size of my Source Panels to ensure I have a large enough audience?

  • Audiense only considers X authors in its analysis, so try to maximize the number of authors from this source. Also, by default, Talkwalker only shows so many authors at once for Source Panel selection, so include every possible page of results when creating Source Panels. You can export the authors, and upload them as a Source Panel within Talkwalker - ask your account representative to support if needed.

Why am I getting an error?

The most common causes of error would be:

  • We cannot connect to Talkwalker. Example: You have not added an API key, or are using an ineligible or expired API key. 
  • We cannot find any data for Projects or Source Panels. Example: You may not have created any eligible Projects or Source Panels. 
  • Your account may not have the required permissions on the Talkwalker side.
  • You have already exceeded your limit of allowed Source Panels or Topics allowed.

Why didn’t all my selected clusters from Audiense Insights appear inside Talkwalker?

  • The number of clusters eligible to be sent is based on your allowed Talkwalker limits. In the case of Source Panels, you will be able to create up to 100, and may wish to delete any that are not being used in order to make room for more.
  • Cluster members from Audiense Insights is sent to Talkwalker as Topics at the moment, so be aware there is a character limit of approx. 400 members, which would be a sample size of your cluster if this exceeds that amount. These limits are set by Talkwalker. Alternatively, use the manual export and upload method to increase the amount of audience members. See below


Option 1: Launching an Audiense report from Talkwalker using Source Panels

This option is great for segmenting and enriching a Talkwalker audience. 

  • These reports will have a maximum audience size of 1000 authors
  • Expect 4 to 5 clusters in your report.

Note: Some functionality may be limited to those with Admin access. No extra Audiense filters can be added to reports launched in this way at this time. Please note, you need at least 100 source authors to launch a report in Audiense.

How to execute option 1:

  1. Confirm the Audiense API key is entered under Talkwalker’s Settings>Project Settings>Connected Accounts
  2. Stay within Settings>Project Settings, and go to Source Panels
  3. Open an existing Source Panel from one of your Topics, or create a new one
  4. From this Source Panel section, go to the ‘Export Audience Report’ icon 
  5. Name the report as you would like to see it displayed within Audiense
  6. You can choose between Interconnections (those connected communities, as they follow each other) or Affinity (those with similar following patterns, shared interests).
  7. At the moment, you cannot choose the number of clusters within your Affinity type segmentation for your report, but this will be made available soon!
  8. Launch the report
  9. Wait for an email notification from Audiense in the usual timeframe 
  10. Log into Audiense to view your report

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Option 2: Pushing Audiense clusters into Talkwalker as Topics 

Use this option when you want to hone in on conversations from your Audiense Insights report clusters within Talkwalker on an ongoing basis. You can opt to send one, many, or all clusters individually as Topics. This option is great for the ongoing tracking of Audiense clusters within Talkwalker (limited to Topics, but we are looking to add Source Panel option to match the Affinio integration with both options).

  • Creating a Topic in Talkwalker will treat a list of Audiense cluster members as a “subject” that can be tracked in your project. Topics can consist of up to 4096 characters per line, which should generally allow for the inclusion of about 200 authors. Since we will use 2 lines when creating Topics, you can expect a limit of approximately 400 authors per cluster.

In all cases:

  • Audience members from Audiense are chosen as a random sample.
  • New entities will be created in Talkwalker (versus adding to existing ones)
  • Each cluster will represent a single Topic 
  • Multiple cluster selection is not possible at this time, and have to be sent individually

Note: Extra credits will not apply when creating these new entities within Talkwalker since they are treated as a data import. However, the number of Topics that can be created will depend on your subscription limit. You may need to delete existing Topics before adding clusters.

How to execute Option 2:

  1. Confirm the Talkwalker API key is entered by checking the Actions button within a Cluster report view or the Audience Breakdown page for each Cluster
  2. Go to Actions>Integrate>Track audience on Talkwalker
  3. Select the Talkwalker Project destination for the cluster(s)
  4. Edit the name if needed - character limits apply
  5. Submit the request by clicking Send
  6. If the Cluster is too large, it will prompt you to Track a random sample
  7. Confirm delivery inside Talkwalker 

Note: Clusters sent from Audiense will be named the same way in Talkwalker, only prefaced with the report name. 

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Option 3: Manually export Talkwalker Authors for Upload into Audiense

Use this option when you want to maximize the possible size of your Audiense Insights report audience (including using authors from across multiple Topics), and when you don’t mind manipulating files or configuring a Custom Export type.

  • These exports will allow up to 50,000 mentions across sources (per day)
  • The downloaded file will need to be reformatted before being upload to Audiense
  • Only unique X users are considered, so the ultimate audience size may be lower than exported - we advise to filter results by channel (X) before exporting! 

How to execute option 3:

  1. Within Topic Analytics, navigate to the desired Topic(s) of interest
  2. Click on the Results section in the left-hand navigation
  3. Optionally modify the default Filters as desired (i.e. date range, sentiment, location, media type/channel) 
  4. Filtering by Media type is required, and can be done by scrolling to that section within Filters, and select X/Twitter.
  5. Click the icon with the 3 vertical dots that sits above the author list 
  6. Choose ‘Export all results’
  7. Choose ‘CSV’ or 'Excel' format
  8. Ensure ‘All Results’ and ‘Complex’ are set as the sub-options (or use the Custom Export format, if configured, per below - Recommended to call it Audiense Export!)

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8. Open the saved export file

9. Isolate the single required column (“extra_author_attributes.short_name”) by:

    • Re-arranging the CSV or Excel to position that column as the first column and re-saving as a TXT file, or
    • Copying-and-pasting only that single column into a new file and saving as TXT format (this is the desired upload format to create your report manually via the 'Upload your audience' in Insights). 

10. Within Audiense click the Create new report

11. Choose the “Upload your audience” report type option

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12. Follow the steps to upload the TXT file (this must only contain X IDs or handles to validate) Read more here if needed.

13. Select your Segmentation type (Interconnections or Affinities) - check the tooltips for more guidance if needed

14. Launch your report

15. Wait for an email notification from Audiense in the usual timeframe 

16. View your report in Audiense Insights



Filtering results by Media Type (X/Twitter) is required for your Talkwalker topic before exporting, as Audiense only accepts X authors, which will give you a better sense of the ultimate unique audience size you can expect. To further expand the scope of your potential audience sizes, you can multi-select various Topics at once. 




It is highly recommended that you complete a one-time process to create a Custom Export format under the Talkwalker Settings to establish a “set-and-forget” no-hassle way to perform manual author exports conveniently each time, where it will be easier to isolate the only column you need to create your TXT with (column “extra_author_attributes.short_name”).

Any desired Filters should still be applied first before exporting using this method (i.e. date range, sentiment, location etc).



Steps for Configuring the Custom Export Format

  1. Go to Talkwalker’s Settings
  2. Under Project Settings, click ‘Export Documents’

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3. Choose ‘+ New Custom Export Format’

4. Name the format as “Audiense Export”

5. Search the word “short” to quickly find the required author ID column and then select it: extra_author_attributes.short_name

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6. Drag that required column into the first position using the arrows provided

7. Click + Create to save your custom format

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8. Find this new format option displayed in the Export pull-down whenever using “Export all results”

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Option 4: Manually Export Audiense Cluster members for Upload into Talkwalker 

Use this option when you want to maximize the possible size of your Audiense clusters for use in Talkwalker, you don’t mind downloading files, and you know how to leverage the files within Talkwalker.

  • Audiense will allow daily exports of up to 50,000 IDs
  • Talkwalker support will need to be contacted to assist with upload since this is not currently a self-serve option
  • Any limitations on the upload will depend on your account subscription and whether you are using one, many, or all clusters from a given audience 

How to execute Option 4:

  1. Within the Actions section of your report for a given cluster, or within the Audience Breakdown Cluster summary cards, navigate to the Actions button> 'Export cluster members' option

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2. Download the file
3. Repeat for as many clusters as desired

4. Optionally export the full audience, or stitch some clusters files together if you want to maximise the audiene size, however the Talkwalker upload limits apply.

5. Contact your Talkwalker CSM for assistance with uploading this list as a query using a special tool


Don't forget to check your Audiense & Talkwalker Integration Guide and Click on

Get Started to see the flow/sections to follow the steps.