How can I create an audience interested in a Topic? (Example: Fashion)

 Creating a new report on a specific topic takes a few minutes. Please follow these steps:


Identify, understand and engage with the audience interested in a particular topic

How to:

Audiense Connect:

  1. Access the audience manager under the Audience top menu or in the Audiences' section on the dashboard by clicking on the + sign
  2. Select Static Audience
  3. Give your audience a name
  4. Add the following criteria: Interest

    Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 17.41.03 (2)
  5. leave the default > is any of these> and click on Browse & then select the interest

    Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 17.41.09 (2)
  6. Add any other criteria by clicking on Add Criteria, such as location if you do not want a global audience
  7. Hit Finish button at the very bottom to create your audience

Read this article to understand how to make the most of the Audience Manager.


You can also do this on Audiense Insights!

Audiense insights:

  1. Create a new intelligence report
  2. Select Profile Attributes
  3. Name the report
  4. Choose the advanced audience manager
    1. If available on your plan, or if you have a free account, proceed with the basic audience manager)
  5. Choose the interest filter

    Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 17.31.32 (2)
  6. Type the interest in the box and choose from the drop-down menu

    Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 17.31.55 (2) 
    1.  If on basic audience manager, type the interest topic
      Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 17.36.39 (2)
  7. Select any other criteria such as location if you don’t want a global audience

  8. Launch the report

Follow this short video on how to create your report in Insights if you need help