Delve deep into insights about: education level, family status, industries and relationship status. Additionally, Income and Politics are also exclusively available for US audiences.
The data displayed in the Socioeconomics tab, unlike other data in our insights reports, comes from Meta.
This Tab shows:
- Education level
- Job industry
- Relationship status
- Family status
- Household income (only US)
Job industry role descriptions:
- Administrative Services: People with roles in administration. Examples include: secretary, administrative assistant, office manager, office assistant, flat locator, personal assistant, branch manager etc.
- Architecture and Engineering: People with roles in architecture and engineering. Examples include: software engineer, technician, electrician, machinist etc.
- Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Media: People with roles in the arts, entertainment, sport and media. Examples include: photographer, artist, actor, actress, singer etc.
- Business and Finance: People with roles in business and finance. Examples include: accountant, accounting manager, auditor, sales manager, financial adviser, chief financial officer, dealer, agent etc.
- Cleaning and Maintenance Services: People with roles in cleaning and maintenance. Examples include: caretaker, housekeeper, gardener, handyman etc.
- Community and Social Services: People with roles in community and social services. Examples include: minister, social worker, counsellor, politician etc.
- Computation and Mathematics: People with roles in computation and mathematics. Examples include: computer scientist, analyst, mathematician etc.
- Construction and Extraction: People with roles in construction and extraction. Examples include: service technician, electrician, brick layer, mechanic, machine operator etc.
- Education and Libraries: People with roles in education or libraries. Examples include: educator, instructor, teacher, professor, lecturer, research assistant, tutor, librarian, principal etc.
- Farming, Fishing and Forestry: People with roles in farming, fishing and forestry. Examples include: farmer, rider, crew member, handyman etc.
- Food and Restaurants: People with roles in food and restaurants. Examples include: cashier, server, waiter, waitress, chef, barista, line cook etc.
- Government Employees (Global): People with roles in the government
- Healthcare and Medical Services: People with roles in healthcare and medical services. Examples include: physician, dentist, cardiologist etc.
- IT and Technical Services: People with roles in IT and technical services. Examples include: IT technician, web developer, IT consultant etc.
- Installation and Repair Services: People with roles in installation and repair services. Examples include: technician, operator, mechanic, welder etc.
- Legal Services: People with roles in legal services. Examples include: lawyer, corporate counsel, partner, paralegal etc.
- Life, Physical and Social Sciences: People with roles in life, physical and social sciences. Examples include: professor, chemist, psychologist, geologist etc.
- Management: People with roles in management. Examples include: manager, supervisor, director, president, chairperson etc.
- Production: People with roles in production. Examples include: miner, blacksmith, lumberjack etc.
- Protective Services: People with roles in protective services. Examples include: security guard, sergeant, life guard, police officer, firefighter etc.
- Sales: People with roles in sales. Examples include: sales assistant, retail manager, realtor, consultant, customer service representative, cashier etc.
- Transportation and Moving: People with roles in transport and moving. Examples include: driver, operator, sea captain, flight attendant, pilot etc.
Socioeconomic Insights will help to define better marketing campaigns and reach the right audience with the right message. This new knowledge base will allow you to speedily get this data at your fingertips.
Remember, these insights can always be compared against the baseline.
Please note: This data is obtained via Meta, and has no association with private data linked to any specific individual. Furthermore, Household Income (US only) would not add up to 100% as it is dependent on audience distribution and data we have for them. There could be people we don't know the range for, or that aren't in any of these ranges, i.e. less than $40K
Read more: Understand the data behind the Socioeconomics tab