Create a Monitoring in Connect with a Tweet Binder report


Audiense Connect Monitoring tool has been deprecated. However, it has been replaced by something even better! Our Tweet Binder X analytics reports.

With Tweet Binder Monitoring, you can:

  • Unlock comprehensive global coverage of Tweets, sift through millions of real time and historical Tweets and discover the most relevant data quickly and easily.
  • Mine for data based on complex queries, using combinations of #hashtags, @mentions, keywords and Posts containing URLs (Tweets, Retweets and mentions in posts containing the URL).
  • Uncover actionable intelligence and insights and shape dynamic marketing strategies on X and across other channels.
  • Zoom in on important demographics that affect your marketing strategy, such as gender, locations, and languages, in addition to analyzing the sentiment of Tweets.
  • Segment and target audiences with great precision and deliver tailored actions and creative solutions.


Please note: Monitoring was an add-on only available to users on Audiense plans.

Now we have made this available to everyone (Free and Paid subscriptions).

FREE users in Connect:

It will automatically create an account and a report in Tweet Binder. This is what you will get:

  • A brand new Tweet Binder FREE account
  • Unlimited Tweet Binder reports with 200 posts (formerly tweets) each

Audiense Professional Plans (Connect, Insights, etc., paid subscriptions):

You will have a PRO account in Tweet Binder and a PRO report. What you get:

  • A brand new Tweet Binder PRO account with a 10,000 post (tweet) balance
  • A Tweet Binder PRO report created from Connect (limit of 10k posts overall, which you can adjust per report, or ask us for an increase).

How to create a Tweet Binder X analytics report?

Select Tweet Binder>Create Report from the top menu bar.

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You will see the Tweet Binder widget, where you can: 

  • Create a report from the search box
  • Access the Advanced search (only for users with an Audiense paid plan)
  • Go to your reports in Tweet Binder

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Enter your #hashtag, @mention or keyword and hit Generate Report

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Please note, if you are an Audiense Subscriber and want to click on advanced search, this is what you will see: create more complex queries by adding more terms (include any, must contain all or exclusions), dates will be for last 7 days, language and whether you want reposts included, excluded or reposts only.


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So, let's go and launch a report for #Nike

Expect to wait only a few seconds!

You will get a report with the summary and further tabs, as well as being able to view an Infographic, dashboard and Influencers analysis for the search.


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The Summary dashboard is composed of:

  • Total posts + breakdown
  • Economic value: amount of money the post is worth in the market.
  • Total impressions: real impressions generated by the analyzed hashtag. Number of actual times the hashtag was seen.
  • Potential impressions: the potential number of times someone could have seen the hashtag.
  • Potential reach: the potential number of unique users that could have seen the hashtag.
  • Total contributors:  number of unique users that have shared content with the analyzed search.
  • Posts per contributor: average number of posts per contributor.
  • Followers per contributor: average amount of followers per contributor.
  • Original posts: number of original posts shared, with the hashtag reposts excluded.
  • Original contributors: number of users that have shared original posts with the hashtag
  • Original posts per contributor: average number of original posts per original contributor

More report insights to discover

Click on each tab via the top menu in your report, or scroll down to see:

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Activity, Engagement, Reposts & Likes, Sentiment, Contributor rankings, Economic study, Images most liked or reposted, and other stats.


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Reposts and Likes

(the 10 most reposted and liked posts)

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Sentiment Score, timeline and stats

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Contributor rankings

View top 5 or top 10 + share rankings (via X or with a link)

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These Contributor ranking results include 5 rows with:

  • Most active | Reposters | Original posts
  • Most popular | Verified users | Most mentioned
  • Most replied | Most quoted | Top photographer
  • Most favorited | Most impressions | Most reposted
  • Top likes per post | Top impressions per post | Top reposts per post

Economic Study

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Most Liked & Reposted Images

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Other Stats

Including further breakdowns for post contributors, contributor influence, X account age, post length, top languages and top hashtags.

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Remember we mentioned above that you can also view an Infographic, dashboard and Influencers analysis. Here is what those look like!


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You have other functionality available via the top menus within your report such as Real Time search and Download.

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Top Tip: You can create an audience in Audiense Connect or Audiense Insights from a Tweet Binder monitoring by exporting them from the report dashboard (see image above). 

Learn more here:

Create an audience in Connect from a Tweet Binder monitoring


Create an Insights report based on a monitoring from Tweet Binder/Connect