This glossary includes vocabulary and terminology used in the user guide to refer both to the general features of Twitter used within Audiense and the specific functionalities of Audiense. The glossary is partially based on the official Twitter Glossary and is organised into three alphabetically ordered sections:
1. General Twitter terms
@username – A username (aka Twitter handle) is how you’re identified in Twitter, and is always preceded by the @ symbol. For instance, Audiense’s username is @Audiense.
- Maximum 15 characters, but the shorter the better so as not to eat into Tweet character counts.
avatar – Your chosen image that appears next to each of your Tweets and helps to quickly identify you. If you don’t select an image then your avatar is the default avatar provided by Twitter.
bio – Your bio is a personal description that appears in your profile.
- Maximum 160 characters.
follow / unfollow – After following a user you will see their Tweets when they post something new. Anyone on Twitter can follow or unfollow anyone else at any time, with the exception of blocked accounts.
- Maximum 1000 follows per day.
follower – A follower is another user who follows you. This does not necessarily mean that you follow them. Followers is the number of people who follow you.
following – Following is the number of people you follow and is sometimes referred to as friends. This does not necessarily mean that they follow you.
hashtag (#) – A hashtag is any word or phrase immediately preceded by the # symbol.
like – Liking a Tweet shows that you appreciated or rated highly that specific Tweet. Previously known as favourite.
list – A list is a group of Twitter users who share certain characteristics, e.g. a list of friends, family, coworkers, a competitor’s followers.
- Maximum 1000 lists per user, includes your own lists and lists you follow.
- Maximum 5000 users per list.
Note that in Audiense the number of lists refers to the number of lists that the account has been added to not the number of lists that the account has created.
mention – A mention is a Tweet that contains another user’s @username anywhere in the body of the Tweet. In Twitter, replies, which begin with @username, are also considered mentions. However, Audiense differentiates between mentions and replies to provide greater insight, for example in Tweet Analytics and Comparison Table report.
- Mention: “Hi there @Audiense Can you help me?”
- Reply: “@Audiense Hi there, can you help me?”
- Tweet: “Hi there, can you help me?”
mute – Mute allows you to remove an account’s Tweets from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking that account. Muted accounts will not know that you’ve muted them and you can unmute them at any time.
Promoted Tweet – A Promoted Tweet is an ordinary Tweet, e.g. it can be Retweeted, replied to, liked, which is purchased by an advertiser.
protected account – Twitter accounts are public by default. If you protect your account it becomes private and your Tweets will only be seen by followers you have approved.
reply – A reply is a response to another user’s Tweet that begins with the @username of the person you’re replying to. In Twitter replies are also considered mentions. However, Audiense differentiates between mentions and replies to provide greater insight, for example in Tweet Analytics and Comparison Table report.
- Reply: “@Audiense Hi there, can you help me?”
- Mention: “Hi there @Audiense Can you help me?”
- Tweet: “Hi there, can you help me?”
Retweet (RT) – A Retweet is a repost of someone else’s Tweet.
spam – Spam is basically unsolicited, repeated actions that have a negative impact on other users and which violate Twitter Rules.
suspended – Suspended accounts have been prohibited from using Twitter.
timeline – A timeline is a real-time stream of Tweets, for instance, all the Tweets shared by the people you follow.
Tweet / post – To Tweet is the act of sending a Tweet. A Tweet is any message posted to Twitter containing text, photos, videos or links. Replies and mentions are types of Tweet.
- Tweet: “Hi there, can you help me?”
- Reply: “@Audiense Hi there, can you help me?”
- Mention: “Hi there @Audiense Can you help me?”
- Maximum 140 characters.
- Maximum 2400 Tweets per day, but spread across 24 hours.
Twitter Ads terms – Twitter Ads uses Promoted Tweets and measures metrics based on the specific objective of the Twitter Ads campaign.
- CPM – Cost per mille. The cost of one thousand impressions.
- CPF – Cost per follow. Total campaign spend divided by number of new followers.
- CPA – Cost per acquisition. Total campaign spend divided by the number of new customer acquisitions.
- CPLC – Cost per link click. Total campaign spend divided by the number of link clicks.
- CPE – Cost per engagement. Total campaign spend divided by the number of engagements.
- CPI – Cost per install. Total campaign spend divided by the number of app installs.
- CPAC – Cost per app click. Total campaign spend divided by the number of clicks on the app.
- CPL – Cost per lead. Total campaign spend divided by the number of leads.
- CPV – Cost per view. Total campaign spend divided by the number of video views.
- Engagements – The number of clicks, Retweets, likes, follows and replies.
- Impressions – The number of users who see the Promoted Tweet.
- Conversions – The number of conversion events that are tracked, e.g. site visits, purchases, downloads, sign ups. The event which is tracked is different for each campaign.
- Leads – The number of users who interact with the Tweet lead generation cards.
URL – A URL is a unique web address that points to a page on the internet, e.g. You can add a URL to your profile which links to your company, LinkedIn page, etc.
verified account – Indicates that the creator of the Tweets of the account is who they say they are. These users are usually celebrities or public figures.
2. Audiense terms
account – An account is a Twitter or Instagram account which you have added to Audiense to analyse. Accounts can be your own authenticated accounts or third party accounts which you have added as a source.
amplification rate – This is the number of Retweets you have received per Tweet. It is calculated: Retweets / Tweets. See engagement below.
annotation – An annotation is a highlighted period of time, for example a campaign period, on the community stats widget and other widgets.
applause rate – This is the number of likes you have received per Tweet. It is calculated: likes / Tweets . See engagement below.
audience – An audience is any community or segmented and customised set of users that you want to target, for example in a Twitter Ads or Direct Message campaign.
Best Time to Tweet (BTTT) – The BTTT report shows you graphically the optimal times to Tweet in order to reach the maximum number of followers.
blacklist – Users added to the blacklist are users who you don’t want to accidentally follow in the future.
churn – See Retention/Churn below.
community – A community is the set of users that a specific Twitter user follows (following) plus the users who follow that Twitter user (followers).
conversation rate – This is the number of mentions you have received per Tweet. It is calculated: mentions + replies / Tweets. See engagement below.
criteria – Criteria are the set of restrictions which are applied to restrict a user set, for example in a search, a BTTT report, or in a monitoring.
engagement / interaction – Engagement is people interaction with other Twitter users in the form of Retweets, mentions + replies, likes and can be separated into three rates:
- Amplification (based on Retweets)
- Applause (based on likes)
- Conversation (based on mentions + replies)
export – Download and print a “hard copy” (in PDF or Excel format) of the information you are interested in (panels, widgets, graphs, tables, user set*) to your desktop.
* Note that the maximum number of users for export from the community wall is variable depending on your Audiense plan and any technical limits which must be respected.
filter – A filter is a set of criteria which you have saved.
follow ratio or follower/following ratio – This is a numeric value which indicates the degree of influence or popularity of a user. The higher the ratio the more influential the user is. It is calculated by comparing the number of followers a user has with the number of people they are following, for example:
- 1000 followers / 500 following = high ratio of 2 which means this user is influential.
- 1000 followers / 5000 following = low ratio of 0.2 which means this user is not influential.
impressions – Impressions is the number of times a Tweet is visualised.
key performance indicator (KPI) – In Twitter Ads a KPI is a variable which can be measured that demonstrates how effectively a campaign is achieving its objectives.
latest notifications – The latest notifications is a list of the synchronisations, reports, downloads, etc., which are ready for you to view.
location – The location of a user can be determined in various ways:
- The city and/or country location specified by the user in their Twitter profile.
- The normalised location of the user, based on their Twitter profile location and time zone, but determined in-house by Audiense in order to resolve ambiguities which may arise between, for example, Córdoba in Spain, Argentina or Colombia, or the need to contemplate many similar terms, such as ‘New York City’, ‘New York’, ‘NY’, ‘NYC’, ‘The Big Apple.’ This is used in Audience Manager .
- The geolocation from which the Tweet was sent. This is used in Monitoring .
Monitoring – Monitor both historical and real-time Tweets of a specific user, a hashtag, a keyword to see detailed information regarding the Tweets, the content, the users and profiles and the demographics (only applicable when access to this feature).
note – A note can be added to any user. You don’t need to be following the user to be able to add a note. The note appears as a golden triangle in the top left of the user card. Mouseover to view.
potential exposure – Potential exposure is the sum of the community followers, i.e. the followers of your followers, which could therefore read any Tweet you post.
ranking – A ranking is a ranked list of related topics you want to monitor the Tweets of within a monitoring.
ratio – See follower/following ratio above.
report – A report is a visual presentation of data with simple easy to interpret graphics that showcase the stats available for that report.
retention / churn – Retention is a value which shows how many of your new followers have remained a part of your community. Churn shows how many have unfollowed you.
return on investment (ROI) – In Twitter Ads ROI is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of the investment in the campaign which is based on your chosen KPI values.
rule – A rule specifies an action to carry out automatically according to a set of predefined criteria.
social contacts – in Audiense social contacts are the sum of:
- The users who follow you (followers) and the users you follow (followings) of your account(s).
- The contacts from any account(s)/source(s) you add to Audiense.
For example, if you have 2000 followers and you follow 150 and you are also analyzing a competitor with 10 000 followersand 5000 followings (users they follow). Your total social contacts = 17 150.
source – A source is a set of users you have added to Audiense which you can analyse in the same way you do your owned account. This source can take the form of:
- A third-party Twitter account
- A Twitter list (private or public)
- A Text file
- Email contacts
- Tweets (Retweeters of)
synchronisation – Synchronisation updates your account info and occurs automatically every 24 hours. You can manually request a synchronisation clicking the refresh button. If you need to look further back through your timeline then you can modify the time frame of the information shown using the calendar.
tag – A tag is a label that you can apply to one or more users to help efficiently manage a large community. The tag acts as a shortcut to easily find those users you have tagged with it. The tags applied to a user are visible at the end of the bio by mousing over the user card.
team – A team is the group of people (collaborators) who can perform management actions, defined by permissions granted by the owner, on accounts or sources.
time zone – some functionalities of Audiense allow you to select a specific time zone, e.g. DM Campaigns, Monitoring. We recommend you use the most suitable time zone based on city location, e.g. Europe/London and don’t rely on GMT values as these can be confusing, especially in the UK which does not maintain the same GMT value due to British summertime daylight saving.
webinar – A webinar is a Web-based seminar. It is a presentation, workshop that is transmitted over the Web to help demonstrate the various functionalities of Audiense.
whitelist – Users added to the whitelist are users who you don’t want to accidentally unfollow in the future.